Thursday, April 23, 2009

I gonna get dress for success-Part 5 of 5


You can dress well, and it starts with knowing your figure (shape).

There are five types of shapes as described by Randolph Duke-a swimsuit designer and these five types are:
A. Linear Figured
B. The Hourglass
C. Full Figure
D. Lower Figured
E. Upper Figured

This week, let us talk about (E) Upper Figured

You might have shoulders that are wider than your waist and hips. Your upper body is attracting more attention as compared to the lower half.


By now you should know your figure type whether it is triangle, rectangle or rounded, and you can always refer to the previous posts should you have no clues about it.

Next, you need to know what your proportion-your height and build.

A short figure is defined as if you are shorter than 1.68m, and average height is between 1.68 to 1.83m.

In addition, you should also try to measure the size of your chest. If your chest dimension is less than 97cm-you are considered to have a fine scale figure. If your chest dimension is between 97-112 cm, you belong to the average scale group.

Look at the two types of fabrics below; try to figure out which types are more suitable for you?

Social Etiquette Tip of the day: Be polite, and don't assume too much familiarity with other guests too soon.

The ordinary man's weblog: Lost my Internet connection from Friday 17/04/2009 to 20/04/2009. Called ISP helpline only to advise you to format your hardisk and manage to solve it after hours of installing fixes and patches.

Computers-they can make your life either very comfortable or miserable too, it is a double edge machine.


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